
schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings

Schmalenbach Werner Amedeo Modigliani. Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Schmalenbach Werner Amedeo Modigliani. Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings

Now available in a new and beautifully produced edition, this important examination of Modigliani’s art focuses on the enigmatic genius of the avant-garde. One of the most recognizable artists of his era, Amedeo Modigliani is also perhaps one of the least understood. In this thorough yet refreshingly concise volume, Werner Schmalenbach examines Modigliani’s oeuvre, offering a chronological tour of every aspect of Modigliani’s career. The informative commentary is complemented by numerous splendid reproductions, many of them full-page color illustrations. The result is an intimate portrait of a life devoted to art and an essential reference for any art lover.

4671 Руб.

Krystof Doris Modigliani schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Krystof Doris Modigliani

Beaute singuliere Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) a trace des odes infinies aux formes feminines, inscrivant ses corps allonges, ses yeux en amande et son propre nom dans l’histoire de l’art. Ses personnages feminins alanguis au longs cous, surprenants et sensuels, se reconnaissent au premier coup d’?il. Le style unique de Modigliani correspondait a son ideal de beaute personnel, mais s’inspirait d’une riche variete d’influences visuelles, dont le cubisme, les gravures africaines, les sculptures cambodgiennes et la peinture du XIIIe siecle de son Italie natale. S’il est surtout connu pour ses nus de femmes, Modigliani a use de techniques similaires pour ses portraits d’artistes contemporains, comme Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau et Chaim Soutine. A travers des ?uvres cle de sa palette tres personnelle, ce livre introduit la carriere aussi breve que glorieuse de Modigliani au c?ur du foyer moderniste de Paris.

3699 Руб.

Doris Krystof. Modigliani schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Doris Krystof. Modigliani
Бренд: Республика

In endless odes to the female form, Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920) traced elongated bodies, almond eyes, and his own name into art history. His languid female subjects are as instantly recognizable as they are startling, sensual, and swan-necked. Modigliani's unique figuration corresponded to his own personal idea of beauty, but drew upon a rich variety of visual influences, including contemporary Cubism, African carvings, Cambodian sculptures, and 13th century painting from his native Italy. Although most renowned for his nude females, he applied similar stylistic techniques to portraits of male artistic contemporaries such as Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau, and Chaim Soutine. With key works from his highly individualistic repertoire, this book introduces Modigliani's brief but revered career at the heart of Paris' early modernist hotbed.

2250 Руб.

The Hermitage. Netherlandish, Flemish, Dutch Painting schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
The Hermitage. Netherlandish, Flemish, Dutch Painting

ARCA publishers present a series of small-format books that acquaint readers anew with gems of the Hermitage collection. Fascinating fragments and details that quite often escape the eye provide fresh insights into familiar paintings and drawings, sculptures, works of jewellery and archaeological finds.

526 Руб.

Impressonists and Post-Impressionists. The Hermitage schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Impressonists and Post-Impressionists. The Hermitage

ARCA publishers present a series of small-format books that acquaint readers anew with gems of the Hermitage collection. Fascinating fragments and details that quite often escape the eye provide fresh insights into familiar paintings and drawings, sculptures, works of jewellery and archaeological finds.

902 Руб.

Nairne E. Basquiat - 40th Anniversary Edition schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Nairne E. Basquiat - 40th Anniversary Edition

A condensed edition of the best-selling Basquiat monograph. Pristine reproductions of Basquiat`s seminal paintings, drawings, and notebook sketches, as well as texts by editor Hans Werner Holzwarth and curator and art historian Eleanor Nairne, bring us up close and personal to a legend synonymous with 1980s New York.

3713 Руб.

Nairne E. Basquiat - 40th Anniversary Edition schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Nairne E. Basquiat - 40th Anniversary Edition

A condensed edition of the best-selling Basquiat monograph. Pristine reproductions of Basquiat`s seminal paintings, drawings, and notebook sketches, as well as texts by editor Hans Werner Holzwarth and curator and art historian Eleanor Nairne, bring us up close and personal to a legend synonymous with 1980s New York.

3713 Руб.

Krystof Doris Amedeo Modigliani schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Krystof Doris Amedeo Modigliani

In endless odes to the female form, Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) traced elongated bodies, almond eyes, and his own name into art history. His languid female subjects are as instantly recognizable as they are startling, sensual, and swan-necked. Modigliani's unique figuration corresponded to his own personal idea of beauty, but drew upon a rich variety of visual influences, including contemporary Cubism, African carvings, Cambodian sculptures, and 13th-century painting from his native Italy. Although most renowned for his nude females, he applied similar stylistic techniques to portraits of male artistic contemporaries such as Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau, and Chaim Soutine. With key works from his highly individualistic repertoire, this book introduces Modigliani's brief but revered career at the heart of Paris's early modernist hotbed.

2531 Руб.

Simonetta Fraquelli. Modigliani: A Painter and His Art Dealer schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Simonetta Fraquelli. Modigliani: A Painter and His Art Dealer
Бренд: Республика

Этот каталог, подготовленный совместно с Музеем Оранжери в Париже, демонстрирует, как партнерство Модильяни с его галеристом Полем Гийомом повлияло на его живопись. Амедео Модильяни, еврейско-итальянский художник, прибыл в Париж в 1906 году. Его встреча с Константином Бранкузи в 1909 году вдохновила Модильяни. лепить — почти исключительно — до 1914 года, когда он встретил арт-дилера Поля Гийома. Он вернулся к живописи и создал бесчисленное количество портретов с 1914 года до своей смерти в 1920 году. Модильяни рисовал выдающихся современников, таких как Жан Кокто и Макс Жакоб, а также неизвестных моделей и женщин в его жизни, в том числе писательницу Беатрис Гастингс и художницу Жанну Эбютерн, его партнершу. и мать его ребенка. Гийом поощрял Модильяни, арендовал ему ателье на Монмартре, продвигал его картины в парижских художественных и литературных кругах и за границей, купил, продал и собрал более сотни его картин, пятьдесят рисунков и дюжину скульптур. Произведения Гийома предлагают глубокое понимание Модильяни, подчеркивая их взаимопонимание и общие интересы в африканском искусстве, литературе и поэзии. Модильяни, в свою очередь, увековечил Гийома в четырех портретах. Этот том прилагается к выставке в Музее Оранжери (20 сентября 2023 г. – 15 января 2024 г.).Edited with the Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris, this catalog demonstrates how Modigliani’s partnership with his gallerist Paul Guillaume influenced his painting.Amedeo Modigliani, a Jewish-Italian painter, arrived in Paris in 1906. His meeting with Constantin Brancusi in 1909 inspired Modigliani to sculpt—almost exclusively—until 1914, when he met art dealer Paul Guillaume. He returned to painting and produced countless portraits from 1914 until his death in 1920. Modigliani painted prominent contemporaries such as Jean Cocteau and Max Jacob, but also unknown models and the women in his life, including writer Béatrice Hastings and painter Jeanne Hébuterne, his partner and the mother of his child. Guillaume encouraged Modigliani, rented him an atelier in Montmartre, promoted his paintings in Parisian art and literary circles and abroad, and bought, sold, and collected more than a hundred of his paintings, fifty drawings, and a dozen sculptures. Guillaume’s writings offer intimate insight into Modigliani, highlighting their rapport and shared interests in African art, literature, and poetry. Modigliani in turn immortalized Guillaume in four portraits. This volume accompanies an exhibition at the Musée de l’Orangerie (September 20, 2023–January 15, 2024).

5500 Руб.

Duchene Delphine Modigliani schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Duchene Delphine Modigliani

Durant sa vie tourmentee, marquee par l’alcoolisme et la pauvrete et tres tot abregee par la maladie, Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) est parvenu a forger un style si personnel que ses portraits sont aujourd’hui reconnaissables entre tous. Ils ne peuvent cependant pas etre reduits aux caracteristiques formelles que sont un cou allonge ou un fond sombre. Fascine par l’ame humaine et ses profondeurs, Modigliani souhaitait surtout exprimer toute la complexite de l’esprit de ses modeles. « Dessiner, affirmait-il, c’est un acte de connaissance et de possession plus profond et plus concret que le coit, que seuls peuvent donner le reve ou la mort. » Prince en haillons du Paris artistique, Modigliani livre des ?uvres eblouissantes d’humanite qu’il ne vit jamais prosperer, mais qui l’eleverent a titre posthume au rang de maitre.

2827 Руб.

Ormiston Rosalind The Life and Works of Leonardo Da Vinci schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Ormiston Rosalind The Life and Works of Leonardo Da Vinci

A fascinating biography of the Renaissance artist and inventor, and gallery of paintings and drawings.

1463 Руб.

Zaczek Iain Dog: A dog's life in art and literature schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Zaczek Iain Dog: A dog's life in art and literature

Dog is an affectionate portrait of "man's best friend" and within its pages you are sure to find some tamihar faces: from heroic canine to whimpering cur; trorn slavering yellow-fanged wolf to pampered, beribboned lapdog; from mega-sized Saint Bernard to micro-Chihuahua; from pedigree princeling to homely mutt. And it you think that dogs are a mirror of their owners, then judge tor yourself in the pages on anthropomorphism. Almost 300 paintings, drawings, and sculptures from all eras and all parts of the world are supported here by prose and poetry, chronicling the infinite facets ot doghood. Издание на английском языке.

964 Руб.

Zollner F., Thoenes C. Michelangelo. The Complete Paintings, Sculptures and Architecture (Bibliotheca Universalis) schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Zollner F., Thoenes C. Michelangelo. The Complete Paintings, Sculptures and Architecture (Bibliotheca Universalis)

Before reaching the tender age of 30, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted Pieta and David, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. As a sculptor, painter, draftsman, and architect, the achievements of this Italian master are unique-no artist before or after him has ever produced such a vast, multifaceted, and wide-ranging oeuvre.This fresh TASCHEN edition traces Michelangelo's ascent to the cultural elite of the Renaissance. Ten richly illustrated chapters cover the artist's paintings, sculptures, buildings, and drawings, including a close analysis of the artist's tour de force frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. Full-page reproductions and enlarged details allow readers to appreciate the finest details in the artist's repertoire, while the book's biographical essay considers Michelangelo's more personal traits and circumstances, such as his solitary nature, his thirst for money and commissions, his immense wealth, and his skill as a property investor.

2715 Руб.

Zollner F., Thoenes C. Michelangelo. The Complete Paintings, Sculptures and Architecture (Bibliotheca Universalis) schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Zollner F., Thoenes C. Michelangelo. The Complete Paintings, Sculptures and Architecture (Bibliotheca Universalis)

Before reaching the tender age of 30, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted Pieta and David, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. As a sculptor, painter, draftsman, and architect, the achievements of this Italian master are unique-no artist before or after him has ever produced such a vast, multifaceted, and wide-ranging oeuvre.This fresh TASCHEN edition traces Michelangelo's ascent to the cultural elite of the Renaissance. Ten richly illustrated chapters cover the artist's paintings, sculptures, buildings, and drawings, including a close analysis of the artist's tour de force frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. Full-page reproductions and enlarged details allow readers to appreciate the finest details in the artist's repertoire, while the book's biographical essay considers Michelangelo's more personal traits and circumstances, such as his solitary nature, his thirst for money and commissions, his immense wealth, and his skill as a property investor.

2715 Руб.

Wheatley Abigail Art Gallery Sticker Book schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Wheatley Abigail Art Gallery Sticker Book

Take a tour of this Art Gallery and fill it with all sorts of artworks – from paintings, prints and photographs to carvings, sculptures and modern art. Explore behind the scenes, then stock the gift shop with books, toys and other tempting wares. Includes Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites where you can tour real art galleries and see famous paintings up close.

1075 Руб.

Ormiston Rosalind Picasso schmalenbach werner amedeo modigliani paintings sculptures drawings
Ormiston Rosalind Picasso

Discover the motifs, masterpieces, and driving forces behind the artist Pablo Picasso. Picasso was arguably the most influential artist of the 20th century. Over the course of a career that spanned seven decades–and included thousands of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, drawings, prints, and tapestries–his work continued to evolve in response to his own life and to events in the world around him. This elegant introduction to Picasso offers lively artistic and biographical commentary, as well as beautiful reproductions of key works. Readers will discover why Picasso’s work is often categorized by “periods” and his masterful achievements in the realms of neoclassicism, surrealism, and sculpture–in short, how his tremendous body of work reflected the development of modern art in the 20th century.

1838 Руб.

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